To Professionals Working in a 'Blah' Job to Pay the Bills
Do You Know the Risks?



If you've been experiencing any of the above symptoms it's not your fault.
Nearly two-thirds of US workers experience some degree of mismatch between their desired and actual working conditions. 
A study conducted in the UK found it's more stressful working in a bad job than being unemployed.
In fact - hating your work’s so mainstream you’re probably trying to convince yourself
“It could be worse” or
“work’s not supposed to be fun”...
… And you probably think it’s normal to count down the minutes to 5pm or the days till Friday. 

The truth is you’re at a plateau right now - I call it the Career Pit.

You’re successful on paper, but inside you feel ‘meh.’
Inwardly, you’re stuck in a constant bargaining cycle. Trying to convince yourself it’s not so bad and at least the money’s good.
But there’s another part of you who knows your potential is going unfulfilled. Who wants MORE.

Why doesn't traditional career coaching work?

Thing is - Everyone else is stuck in this Pit with you and can't see the way out.
Everyone’s competing with each other for jobs they don’t even want, climbing a corporate ladder they don’t want to climb.
Some of them try career coaching, but the coaching only helps them tweak their CV to succeed slightly better within the Pit.

Warning: You can't use pre-pandemic methods anymore

COVID lockdowns created a revolution in way people work. For one thing work from home was normalized. 

For another, hiring people from different states or even different countries has become common, increasing competition for job seekers.

Thanks to historic money printing by governments to cope with COVID and now geopolitical tensions, inflation has become a mainstay.

Recession has been gripping economies everywhere. All leading to turmoil in the job market. 

Only those branded for the new economy will get the best jobs.

And only those who know the keys to creating a career on their terms will be able to take advantage of the freedom offered by the new world we live in rather than get stuck.

The good news?

Outside the pit there are the experiences you actually want! A world of adventure, inspiration AND loads more money.

Most people don’t get out of the Pit because:  

A) they don’t even realize they’re in it.
B) they're using outdated job hunting methods - job applications, updated CV keywords.

Outside the pit there are the experiences you actually want! A world of adventure, inspiration AND loads more money. 

Professionals have started asking themselves


If you suspect there’s got to be more to life than waking up, dragging yourself through meetings and emails just to pay bills...
... trading 5 days a week for 2 days off... attempting to make the most of weekends…
… that’s because there’s a BETTER WAY. 

You can follow the process I'm about to show you to get that dream job in as little as 8 weeks.

For the past 5 years I’ve been helping people who know they’re meant for more find their new direction, uncovering their high-value skillset and aligning them with their ideal lifestyle factors - location, hours, teammates and pay level so they can land a career on their terms.
When you bring these factors together in the right way as well as rebrand yourself for the new economy….
… You upgrade yourself to a new world where you’re working because you WANT to not because you have to.

And best of all...

* You don't need loads of experience on your CV.
* You don't have to go back to school for another degree.
* You don't need to be an extrovert or enjoy selling yourself (or be any specific personality type).
* You don't need to know what your dream job is.
* You definitely don't need to be a naturally 'lucky' person.
And it'll work for you whether you're an employee, freelancer or thinking about starting your own business.

You can follow the process I'm about to show you to get that dream job in as little as 8 weeks.

But first...Who Am I?

"Hi! I'm Dalia"

Dalia Lourenço
Career Strategist
& Communications Manager

And why should you listen to me?

A) Look At My Results

Almost no one gets results as quickly and effectively as I do when it comes to helping professionals land their dream job. I've helped my clients land dream jobs that have an increase in 40-100% of their current job salary once they learned how to position themselves properly using my techniques.
This allowed them to work from home or travel around the world and have even helped them land jobs in organizations as competitive as the UN!

B) I Actually Did (& Still Do) What I Teach.

I'm not yet another career coach who had a boring job and escaped it by becoming a coach. I beat the odds which were less than 1% from being an immigrant in an average earning household to becoming a communications manager leading a team of 7 people in multiple UN organizations, impacting the humanitarian crises on the ground, while getting highly paid for work I loved so much I would've done it for free.

C) I've Done This With MULTIPLE Industries and Professions:

Humanitarianism, Journalism, Communications, IT, Environment, Health, NGOs, Writing, Finance, Science, Creative Arts, and so much more!


To Professionals Working in a 'Blah' Job to Pay the Bills

Do You Know the Risks?


If you've been experiencing any of the above symptoms it's not your fault.

Nearly two-thirds of US workers experience some degree of mismatch between their desired and actual working conditions.

A study conducted in the UK found it's more stressful working in a bad job than being unemployed.
In fact - hating your work’s so mainstream you’re probably trying to convince yourself

“It could be worse” or
“work’s not supposed to be fun”...
… And you probably think it’s normal to count down the minutes to 5pm or the days till Friday.

The truth is you’re at a plateau right now - I call it the Career Pit.

You’re successful on paper, but inside you feel ‘meh.’

Inwardly, you’re stuck in a constant bargaining cycle. Trying to convince yourself it’s not so bad and at least the money’s good.

But there’s another part of you who knows your potential is going unfulfilled. Who wants MORE.

Why doesn't traditional career coaching work?

Thing is - Everyone else is stuck in this Pit with you and can't see the way out.

Everyone’s competing with each other for jobs they don’t even want, climbing a corporate ladder they don’t want to climb.

Some of them try career coaching, but the coaching only helps them tweak their CV to succeed slightly better within the Pit. 

Warning: You can't use pre-pandemic methods anymore

COVID lockdowns created a revolution in way people work. For one thing work from home was normalized. 

For another, hiring people from different states or even different countries has become common, increasing competition for job seekers.

Thanks to historic money printing by governments to cope with COVID and now geopolitical tensions, inflation has become a mainstay.
Recession has been gripping economies everywhere. All leading to turmoil in the job market. 

Only those branded for the new economy will get the best jobs.

And only those who know the keys to creating a career on their terms will be able to take advantage of the freedom offered by the new world we live in rather than get stuck.

The good news?

Outside the pit there are the experiences you actually want! A world of adventure, inspiration AND loads more money.

Most people don’t get out of the Pit because:

A) they don’t even realize they’re in it.

B) they're using outdated job hunting methods - job applications, updated CV keywords.

Outside the pit there are the experiences you actually want! A world of adventure, inspiration

 AND loads more money.

Professionals have started asking themselves


If you suspect there’s got to be more to life than waking up, dragging yourself through meetings and emails just to pay bills...
... trading 5 days a week for 2 days off... attempting to make the most of weekends…

… that’s because there’s a BETTER WAY.

You can follow the process I'm about to show you to get that dream job in as little as 8 weeks.

For the past 5 years I’ve been helping people who know they’re meant for more find their new direction, uncovering their high-value skillset and aligning them with their ideal lifestyle factors - location, hours, teammates and pay level so they can land a career on their terms.

When you bring these factors together in the right way as well as rebrand yourself for the new economy….
… You upgrade yourself to a new world where you’re working because you WANT to not because you have to. 

And best of all...
* You don't need loads of experience on your CV.
* You don't have to go back to school for another degree.
* You don't need to be an extrovert or enjoy selling yourself (or be any specific personality type).
* You don't need to know what your dream job is.
* You definitely don't need to be a naturally 'lucky' person.
And it'll work for you whether you're an employee, freelancer or thinking about starting your own business.

But first...Who Am I?

"Hi! I'm Dalia"

Dalia Lourenço
Career Strategist
& Communications Manager

And why should you listen to me?

A) Look At My Results

Almost no one gets results as quickly and effectively as I do when it comes to helping professionals land their dream job. I've helped my clients land dream jobs that have an increase in 40-100% of their current job salary once they learned how to position themselves properly using my techniques.
This allowed them to work from home or travel around the world and have even helped them land jobs in organizations as competitive as the UN!

B) I Actually Did (& Still Do) What I Teach.

I'm not yet another career coach who had a boring job and escaped it by becoming a coach. I beat the odds which were less than 1% from being an immigrant in an average earning household to becoming a communications manager leading a team of 7 people in multiple UN organizations, impacting the humanitarian crises on the ground, while getting highly paid for work I loved so much I would've done it for free.

C) I've Done This With MULTIPLE Industries and Professions:

Humanitarianism, Journalism, Communications, IT, Environment, Health, NGOs, Writing, Finance, Science, Creative Arts, and so much more!

Now I help people who know they’re meant for more find their new direction, uncovering their high-value skillset and aligning them with their ideal lifestyle factors - 
location, hours, teammates and pay level so they can land a career on their terms.

When you bring these factors together in the right way as well as rebrand yourself for the new economy…. 

… You upgrade yourself to a new world where you’re working because you WANT to not because you have to. 


I developed a system I use myself that guarantees career freedom. This is the system that took me from unpaid intern to a great salary, traveling the world and doing work I’m passionate about before the age of 30.

Here’s how it works:

The AYA process

 🌟Your high-value skillset. I have a unique way of helping you find the work you were born to do. And yes, you can still do fulfilling work while earning a lot of money!🌟
🔶Branding. I have an ingenious method which helps you showcase your value in such a way that potential employers see you as the TOP specialist in your field - and their ONLY choice. In fact, once you implement this correctly, you'll have employers reach out to YOU with enticing job offers - So you never have to job hunt again.🔶
🤝Hidden Job Market. I'll show you how to build new connections that matter so you can access the hidden job market which is flowing with opportunity for those who know the keys to getting in – no matter how competitive the industry is.🤝
👨‍💼Interviews & Negotiation. Over the last 10 years I've learned some ninja level negotiating skills - allowing you to instantly double or even TRIPLE your salary.👩‍💼
That’s the system my clients used to get these results in 8 weeks. And it works across sectors.

The best part? NO MORE job hunting. My clients have people reaching out to them with exciting job opportunities literally BEGGING them to come work for them. So they’re never stuck in the same job longer than they want.

Why join? You'll get personalized, 1:1 help with the following...

  • How to switch careers to something you’re really passionate about (without losing any salary) so your life doesn’t waste away in some soul-sucking office. 
  • ​How to finally figure out what you’re meant to be doing in this world (even if you have no idea what that would be right now or have way too many ideas and no direction.)
  • How to magnetize opportunities as an industry leader in a profession that you love so that highly paid gigs come to you.
  • How to love your work, get amazing results in your career and earn lots of $$$ without giving up on freedom.
  • The critical shift you need to make for your career to be a creative, exciting adventure, not a trap that makes you feel like a slave!
  • ​How to do all of this without slaving away 100 hours a week and giving up time for life priorities like family, friends, creative pursuits, travel…

Wait.. there's more!

Bonus #1: Get a tried and tested CV template. Optimized for ATS and designed to be eye catching.

Bonus #2: A complete outreach sequence - I'll provide with you with plug-and-play scripts you can use to reach out to hiring managers!

Bonus #3: Access to our roster of recruiters - Our recruiter partners will help you land a job even faster.

Here's what just a few of our clients have to say about this...

Jaron went from a boring construction job to saving refugees. It also allowed him to improve his work life balance.
"A lot of what I learned was eye-opening. For example, I realized how I didn't have to sacrifice time with my kids for my career.”

Jaron Malyon | Project Manager

Marisol was stuck on the wrong ladder. Within 8 weeks she started receiving offers in her target sector.
" I tried everything to change but was stuck in the lack of experience trap.  Everything changed after the 8 weeks of training with Dalia."

Marisol Yglesias-Gonzalez,
Climate Change and Health

Amy went from being a teacher in $30,000 in debt to starting her own writing agency

“Starting an action plan helped me gain that confidence because as I started the action plan I learned that people did want to hear from me. Learning how to talk to people about what I could do helped me so much” 

Amy Brooks | Beer Writer

John went from being passed on by recruiters to networking whiz

“I had applied to this international organization 2 times before but I got an interview with them. But after Dalia helped me to rework my CV, I got a call soon. The recruiter spoke with me arranged an interview with the organization.”

John Holland | Geopolitical Analyst

Our promise to you

If you don’t land your dream job within 8 weeks, we’ll continue working with you up to a year until you do. 

Still on the fence? 

You'll hop on a short call with one of our coaches to discuss your goals. Your coach will tell you if the program is the right fit and answer any questions. It's not one of those high-pressure sales calls. If it isn't a fit they're definitely tell you.

Frequently Asked Questions 

❓ Will you look at my CV and Cover Letter for me? What about interviews?
Yes. That’s a core part of the program. You'll get unlimited CV/cover letter/ LinkedIn profile reviews. We'll also do 1:1 interview practice together so you're ready to go!

 Keep in mind poor documents, interview skills, etc. are often symptoms of deeper issues including:

- Not knowing your value

- Not knowing how to communicate your value

- Not knowing how to access the hidden job market and the contacts who will actually see your documents in the first place!! Not to mention give you the chance to demonstrate those interview skills you may or may not have.

That's why we also address all of these aspects and more so you can land that dream job. 
❓ How do I know Accelerate Your Ambitions works?
As with anything in life, you become successful through the right mindset and process. That's why I've distilled what's been proven to work into this step-by-step course - so you can steal the process for yourself and get the results!

Do we know exactly what job you'll get and exactly where you'll end up? Of course not! I'm no fortune-teller. And that's the exciting part - often you end up somewhere more amazing than you could ever imagine. 
Regardless, these are skills for life you need if you want to thrive in your career. 

The question isn't "will this work for me" because it's already been proven for loads of people from different countries and sectors. The question is "how far do I want to go in my career ?" 
❓ Great, but how do I know Accelerate Your Ambitions is right for me?
Good question. The answer is I don’t know and it might not be for you at all.

Here’s why.

We only work with top-caliber professionals who are serious about their careers.

Do you want to do something that matters?… Lovely.

Are you a driven professional but need to find your passion again and take it to the next level?… Outstanding.

Have you already had a lot of success in your career but want to take things in a new direction? Fantastic.

On the other hand, if you’re just “checking things out”, if you’re attempting to use our expertise to get rich quick, or are hoping for an automatic job placement without having to put in any effort, no offence whatsoever, but it’s NOT a fit.
❓  I have no idea what I want to do. I’ve got no experience or contacts. Should I take some time to think about it/go back to studies/figure out what to do with my life beforehand?
No, those problems are exactly why I created this program – because they are STANDING IN THE WAY of incredible professionals being able to do their work and put their potential into action. 

We work with you to figure out WHERE you want to go and how to get you there in the shortest timeframe possible. That means working through each and every SPECIFIC obstacle you are facing. No matter what level you’re at in your career, we can help you get where you want to go (as long as you’re coachable and willing to learn, obviously).

Too many professionals are wasting time and money trying to “figure things out” and meanwhile missing their chance to land the income and impact they want. And I don’t want you to be one of them.
❓ I’ve been in a very successful career for a while and I’m not sure if I want a change. Is working with you for me?
If you're already starting to have career doubts then YES. My clients are high-level professionals in their field who refuse to settle for “doing pretty well.” The areas holding professionals back from getting to that next level in their careers can be attributed to one (or all) of these four things:

1. The assumption that change implies risk

2. Concern over not having the experience required for a career change

3. Confusion over what path to choose

4. “Not knowing what you don’t know”. Not having a system and an actual strategy.

These all have different root causes, but they’re all problems we’ve seen before. Navigating the maze of career options (which tends to bring up those pesky existential questions “What’s my legacy?  What’s the point?  What am I doing here?  WHO AM I anyway??”) on your own can be…daunting.  Like attempting to climb Mount Everest without a guide. 

That’s where we come in. Equipped with a GPS system, tent, provisions…everything you need to get rid of the risk and make it to the higher reality calling your name.

Now you have a choice...


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